
My experience as a musical artisan spans over 25 years in study, performance, education, and recording. As a University of Lowell alum circa 1992, the school's advanced and intense music curriculum catapaulted my skills in order to expand my own abilities as a professional performer and educator, and share my knowledge and musical wisdom with many satisfied and concurrent students. Past and present professional performances and sessions include work with:

Blue Man Group / Iggy Pop band / Chuck Berry keyboardist Vic Lane / Vinnie Moore band member Michael Bean / Count Basie Orchestra / Mass. Lions All-State Concert Band / B Street Blues / Bandalobo / Mill City Revival Band

Repairing and cleaning is done with a passion that is truly a labor of love.

The Gift: Music, like any other natural talent, is a gift from God. I take no credit for what has been given to me. Music is a human outlet to free expression of the soul. It has proven to have shown healing effects of the mind and body, and it's just plain cool.

The Gretsch Project

I received a request to 'overhaul' a client's Gretsch Electromatic Jet Club electric guitar. The guitar was played for several years, and then hung on a wall for months. This project took 5 and 1/2 hours. Following is a list of the work I performed on this guitar:

* Remove old strings
* Remove all screws, bridge, tail piece, pick guard
* Clean the daylights out of the rosewood fretboard!
* Clean and polish everything that was metal, up to &
including all screw heads

The images help, but don't do as much justice as I had hoped. Take a look for yourself at some of the BEFORE and AFTER shots on this project.
I'm happy to say this return customer was elated!

Gretsch Neck Before

Gretsch Neck Before
Gretsch Neck Before

Gretsch Before

Gretsch Before
Gretsch Electromatic Jet Before

Body & Bridge before

Body & Bridge before
Gretsch Electromatic Body & Bridge BEFORE

Gretsch After

Gretsch After

Gretsch Volume Knob After

Gretsch Volume Knob After
Gretsch Volume Knob After

Gretsch Neck, Body w/out Strings AFTER

Gretsch Neck, Body w/out Strings AFTER
Gretsch Neck, Body w/out Strings

Gretsch Body/Bridge AFTER

Gretsch Body/Bridge AFTER
Gretsch Body/Bridge AFTER